Yeah I'm not sure why Washington Post is coming out with this article now, it almost reads like it's some kind of not-so-subtle advertisement for this "Unciphered" company to be honest.
I say that because this exploit/weakness is not new. Not even close to being new...this has been known about since like 2018 or so.
If I had to hazard a guess, it's either some kind of advertorial thing, or, an equally lame attempt of the Washington Post (aka Jeff Bezos' CIA rag) to hop on the "recent resurgence in Bitcoin's popularity" bandwagon for some extra clicks, idk.
Looking into 'Randstorm', as Uncyphered have called it on their site, they direct press inquiries to their Director of Marketing...
Hmm, so it could be a case of journalism by press release?
Maybe they're timing their press release now at a time when interest is being widely generated again.
To give the company some benefit of the doubt I'm heartened by this piece which sounds far from the usual marketing speak on their page titled Why Is Unciphered Disclosing RANDSTORM Now?
If we missed you, or if we called you with our hair on fire about something you later decided was not a crisis, we apologize.
Your link indicates that you're right. I'd actually heard about it too - I just didn't realize that it was the same thing.
So thanks dude for your heads-up!