I do like the fact that people are TAKING INITIATIVE and working to create things, to build alternative/better solutions ourselves. One of the biggest things that has always irked me about the Bitcoin community in recent years, has been the tendency for people to seem to want to wait for some kind of outside party or organized effort to come along and finish building something and have it working 100% perfectly before they'd dare to consider even thinking about using it.
There's a slightly similar, and equally annoying issue IMHO, when it comes to the general approach to making any kinds of changes to Bitcoin. Even if said changes would objectively improve the end-user experience, boost real-world use/adoption of the network as a means of transacting payments and bring new people into the world of Bitcoin, even the mere mention that you might be possibly thinking about making any changes/improvements is treated by some as an outright heretical statement. They act as if you've personally attacked them, and some will even take it upon themselves to respond in kind.
I've been around this scene for far too long, and I'm way too jaded to possibly care about possibly harming the delicate sensibilities of such people merely by speaking my mind, so I'm not at all too shy to come right out and say it: lightning, in it's current form, is simply inadequate. Sure, it's come a long way -- but it's also been a loooooooooooooong fucking time in the making, and unfortunately, a lot of people seem to want to dance around the very real limitations which are in place, and which have been in place, from the start of things. Limitations which effectively guarantee that we'll never see the kind of widespread, global adoption of Bitcoin via lightning as it's layer 2 network, because it's just not technically possible to do so. Anyway, I've already said too much, this post is going to draw the ire of some of the kinds of folks who are alluded to above.
I just wanted to say that I am glad to catch a (sadly rarer these days) glimpse of someone who is just going for it and building something on Bitcoin, armchair critics and naysayers be damned. The same thing happened with Ordinals, which was met with some of the most insanely overblown kvetching and bitching from people in the Bitcoin space that I have ever seen...those whining are the kinds who think EVERYONE must do things their way, they know how it should be and if you don't follow them, you are living in a "fiat mindset", whatever the fuck that means. Real cult shit, if you ask me. I think Ordinals represents one of the more exciting things to come to Bitcoin in a long time, the underlying technological approach is brilliant both in it's elegant simplicity (conceptual) and expansive, complex implemented features (in spite of the limitations imposed upon it from the beginning, as something which would have to utilize the existing network infrastructure/design without changing it to suit Ordinals).
Please, keep shaking things up. When I get some more free time later, I'll have to see about giving you a hand on this repo...as it is, it's not very "user friendly" having to try and copy info from the console on most browsers, given that you can't selectively copy and paste the text from info entries (at least on Chrome/Chromium browsers that I imagine most people will be using).
Bro , ordinals are a shitcoin.