Exactly. I really have an issue when you work for free and complain that no one is paying you. It isn't sustainable. I don't think it is feasible to expect fiat corporations to support OSS. Don't get me wrong, they should because it is in their interests but we need to come up with non-fiat based funding for software outside of bitcoin software. But, the devs gotta realize bitcoin is the answer.
I could see in the future something like: release a limited version of the app for free and then release an advanced version for paid subscription or one time payment.
There will be many models tried and probably entirely new things that weren't possible before. The question is, how long until devs stop listening to people that hate humanity and start looking to those who are trying to make it better. It really gets old listening to devs complain about money and yet have no interest in bitcoin.
Many will have to touch the stove and get screwed in order to learn.