I listened to most of it. I wouldn't say there is anything damning to anyone who actually understands the founding, pre-sale, ICO, attempts to circumvent securities and tax laws. Might be surprising to some eth maxis who look at Vitalik and the eth foundation as heroes. Nerayoff is very abrupt with Vitalik on the call, says many mistakes were made and the "business" is likely to fail if things aren't corrected, and Vitalik needs to shield himself from the actions of some other folks or he could end up in prison. He also talks about his concern about getting calls from other "projects" looking for a custom solution similar to what they did with eth to essentially get around laws. These are the interesting points. The rest is you need to hire a consultant for this and you need to get rid of these people, you need to push community engagement etc.
Also interesting that Vitalik is acting like he barely had any interaction with Nerayoff even though the guy just released a 2.5 hour call where they are reviewing pretty much every aspect of the project.