Is it easy to scrutinize the state of one's own UTXOs in a wallet?
Is there a tool to estimate cost to consolidate UTXOs now and also with estimations of future prices/mempool states?
Final throwaway comment is disdain for Bitcoiners who are "freedom maximalists" until people start using their thing for things they don't like.
Meta. Thanks
Also search has improved a lot and might be an even better place to look:
Get a sparrow wallet and export the Xpub You can see all your UTXO and can merge them
Count the number of UTXOs u have.
Assume to spend each of them is at least 80 vB in size.
Take the current priority fee (for example 200 sats / vB)
So one UTXO costs 16000 sats to spend.
How many sats would u need to pay?