Interesting. I know that when I to a certain African country that the exchange rate is incredible high for the dollar, and the street value is 2x the bank rate. They want dollars hard! It is illegal to conduct trade in crypto there, and the bank has such power like you haven't seen. I have considered how I could get around the sanction of Bitcoin by making the exchange in the local currency, followed by a second trade of BTC, essentially buying back my currency with BTC in order to please the govt. Thougths?
I don't know specifically what country you are referring to, but I can guess that the currency is probably pegged either to the U.S. dollar or is The CFA. They are exercising a fixed exchange rate, and probably have a centralized, controlled monetary system. Therefore they struggle with capital controls. That's why the black market is flourishing, if you accept the trilemma theory. Practically speaking, you have a great plan. I have no idea how to implement it, though!