I wrote about my struggles with fatherhood. I’m glad I opened up, because that was how I came across the term “low time-preference”.
Stacker compared children with Bitcoin, stating how both are low time-preference assets. If truth be told, I didn’t quite understand the concept of low vs high time-preference. He was kind to get back to me and explained about both entities are long-term investments and become more valuable with time.
This prompted me to Google low time-preference and learn the meaning. Apparently, a person with a low time-preference places greater emphasis on his well-being in the more distant future. Sounds like something that would help me reframe my thinking as it takes me out of the present and “teleports” me into the future, reminding me of what’s truly important in the grand scheme of things. Classifying children together with Bitcoin is the icing on the cake since if I value Bitcoin, I should come to value kids on the same affective level.
Anyway, just wanted to ask when you came across the low time-preference concept. And whether it significantly shaped your relationship with Bitcoin.