Walmart in the U.S. claims that deflation may be coming to certain food items in the next quarter. Demand may have fallen off a cliff.
Enjoy the lower prices while you can, they won't last long.
Nothing would terrify the U.S. govt more than deflation. Interest rates would be back at 0 quicker than you could say Bernanke.
Seems likely...Elsewhere, UK BOE (small beer compared to the Fed, I know!) already flagging rate cuts next Summer as jobs market starts to stop. Europe's ECB only got up to 4.5% and stopped there with recession indicators already flashing red. They're gonna get the slowdown they wanted and then hit reverse!!
I got the impression this week with europ. industry production cratering to -6.9% YoY they will be cutting far earlier.
Jaw dropping! Also saw EU imports down 24%, exports down 9%; seems crazy but presumably values are heavily impacted by oil and gas prices?
That's very true
That's for sure. It would give my family a nice chance to relocate. Probably would be pretty bad for everyone else though
This is the new normal. Think the big short. If you’re not confused your not paying attention
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