Honestly - it's like having a computer. Like any other technology, "AI" is just a tool.
In fact, it should probably called "IA" (Intelligence Amplification), because when used intelligently, that's what it does (once again, like any other tool, or technology).
There's no real magic here. There's no "sentient being" that will come out of the circuits. All that "AGI" talk is just fairy tales from wierdos who wish they could create their own god. It's silly.
At the end of the day, it's a tool. Use it where necessary and use it wisely, and you can do more work, in less time.
You can also use it stupidly (like how some people might use a hammer - hitting themselves in the head - or social media - doom scrolling all day) and you will make yourself more dumb (ie; never think for yourself, and just ask chatGPT everything)
So to clarify, in terms of benefit: "Automation and Leverage". Same story, as with al other tools and tech over the millennia of mankind's existence
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yeah. It's always a balance. I use the google maps example alot.
When I was younger, I did door to door sales for about 6 months. We had no iPhones back then. Just the big fat book with all the maps in it.
We had to learn and study those maps so we didn't get lost. Yo could literally drop me anywhere (even in places I'd never been) and I could find my way around.
These days...Drop a millennial or younger into a new place without a phone and they'll die of starvation or thirst
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