Thank you very much! Indeed another good insight. Yes, the case is more like no.2 but is not like totally "private" place, will be a public place visible and open for everyone with a van/motorhome.
He have an empty land like for 30 vans or something like that and he want to use it, because in the area there's no dedicated service like that, only some regular camping sites and are always full during the summer. The owners of those campings are always pissed off with caravan campers because they occupy the places and they cannot get regular campers that stay longer.
So they decided to do this place DEDICATED only to auto-caravans with full services.
So yeah as far I see, should have somebody at the entrance to charge each visitor. That will be the easiest and simple method.
yep as @fm says 30 vans is no joke. If they live near the site they can always have a barrier and a little explanation letting people know where to find them. But if the idea is to allow vans to arrive during 24h some automated way would be better, to avoid needing to get up from bed at 3pm when some surfer kids arrive.
Note that some of this sites also have a fixed schedule, and only allow people to get inside the place from 10am to 10pm (just an example). After that the place is "closed" and no one else can get inside.
Maybe he'll loose one or two clients, but no one will need to be there 247.
He live near by, but he's quite busy during the day. Maybe could stay 1-2h in the morning and 2-3h in the evening. The parking will be anyways more busy during the summer. After september, very few campers are coming, until may.
Yeah I also suggested to him to install some kind of automated barrier, but for that you need also a video camera and etc.
30 vans is a serious number, software and a couple cams will help you. 24 hour doorman is slavery ( if you are the owner abd have to be there) or expensive if you hire
Good points. Considered.