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The evil overlords just want to push the AI agenda to control the population. They do not need too many people, when they have a robots army. With AI, shitGPT and all that crap (open source or not it doesn't matter), they control the information is flow to the new generations. This is how they will shape the young mind, to be obedient workers (like Gorge Carlin said).
You will see today AI shit as fun and "useful" but in fact is a plan for long hit, into next generations.
Remember what Bereznov said about sneaking the communism? It will take 2-3 generations until will be fully implemented.
So TLDR, your opinion is that using AI in any form is helping to feed the enemy, which is not worth the day-to-day helpfulness in the short-term?
Apparently, even the "open source" ones are not completely open. Where is the full dataset used to train them available for download, modification and inspection? If they control the language, they still control the world.
Here's the dataset for gpt-j: https://pile.eleuther.ai/ Most other free models also have pubicly available datasets and are fully reproducible.
Error 404 when I try to download the Pile.
But I want to believe.
lol here's the torrent magnet:?xt=urn:btih:0d366035664fdf51cfbe9f733953ba325776e667&dn=EleutherAI_ThePile_v1&tr=https%3A%2F%2Facademictorrents.com%2Fannounce.php&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.coppersurfer.tk%3A6969&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.opentrackr.org%3A1337%2Fannounce
This is a long run hit by overlords, like boiling frogs...
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