@k00b I know you are working on the SN subs features. Here are some thoughts about those subs. Maybe can inspire you for later. Maybe are too many rules, you know better, pick what you like. I am just throwing ideas.
sub owner can set his own fees policies for posting in that sub or for a post inside the sub:
  • only cowboy hats can post or free for all
  • only SN accounts older than x time can post
  • set specific min fee for a post comment
  • set where to go the sats from post comments
  • set where to go the sats received for the post
  • disable comments on a post (maybe the author do not want comments)
  • set a % of all sats received in that sub to go automatically to SN or FW to somebody else.
disabled comment post could come at a higher cost than a discussion post.
Yeah these are cool ideas! Once I release the basics we can begin letting territory founders experiment with all kinds of stuff.
oh sure, let it grow slowly, step by step, adding slowly new features.
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@nemo turn into memo today?
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He only wants to catch me up to 12k+ comments on SN... šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
wow, what a powerful meme.
that scene was real (except the Vader costume).
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maybe someday... It contain almost everything I post on SN. But very few people here pay attention to what I post.
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