pull down to refresh

I met a guy who works at Apple. He is a designer who makes over $150K per year.
You know the protective plastic sheets that cover your iPad/iPhone/iMac screens?
You know how they have a little “pull at tab” arrow in the top corner?
This guy designs that arrow.
He spends his life designing that arrow. Thousands of variations. Hundreds of feedback notes from his product liaison. All to create an arrow.
… and even he is still more useful than any member of the House of Representatives.
Shitcoin node operator 😆

Inclusion and Diversity Advisor / Specialist / Manager / Director

Here are some of the """activities""" you can expect from them:
  • Providing analysis and expert advice on how diverse mainstream people practices are
  • Diversity assessments of wider organisational practices and processes
  • Creating diversity networks to ensure all groups have a voice in the organisation
  • Creating positive action interventions to support under‐represented groups
  • Coaching and upskilling managers and employees on the value of diversity
  • Creating diversity analytics to understand and track performance in the organisation, including legislative requirements
  • Celebrating diversity through organised events and awareness sessions.
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