I'm working on a album with an old friend. For the project we only every use email and wetransfer if necessary. We send each other tracks as .wav files which, by today's standards aren't massive but it's reminded me what amazingly technology zip compression is. My couple of full-fat 88mb wavs are down to 7.5mb, so small I can just email them.
It got me thinking about those little bits of software that are so useful and long-lived yet go unsung most of the time. I have a few others I'd like to mention:
  • Winamp 2.78c - I think this was the last version before it went all bloated and video. Still great, use it every day.
  • TotalCommander - Great file manager. I'd love to know how many files and how much data I've shifted with this one.
  • Textpad - Text editor with some great features.
Anyone else still using any of these?
Things have moved on a lot but some stuff just gets the job done (like Bitcoin!)
It would be great to hear your faves, what rock-solid amazing little tools am I missing?!
I use Rectangle for window management and it feels absolutely native to my desktop experience.
I use Magnet and I enjoy it quite a bit. IIRC there's an open-source free equivalent that folks use but I don't recall what it's called.
In any case, it's a godsend for macOS. The one thing I was envious of Windows users.
For my sins I'm still a windows guy. I didn't realise the windows on Mac couldn't be organised like that.
Nice. I didn't know such a thing existed.