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I posted a while ago - maybe a week about meeting someone in a bar who was building a reward based system.
I then bought a copy of The Bitcoin standard the next day and gave it to him. He read it in 2 days and asked to meet me.
I met him and talked more about Bitcoin, he told me his business idea and I showed him examples of how sats can be used this way.
I also gave him 1000 sats after helping him onboard to wallet of satoshi. I explained the idea behind self sovereignty and the ease of rewarding customers. He asked me to speak to his dev.
I then sent his dev a copy of Mastering the Lightning Network. (The free github version)
This all happened within a week. He has also generously agreed to give me 1% equity of his business as a thank you (he said the amount he would save not using banks is f’ing huge)
He was also extremely surprised how easy it was.
This is the way. Simple interactions and exchange of ideas and knowledge. That’s all it takes to start adoption and orange pill.
Go forth my pretties and do the same. Approach companies and just ask them if they know about Bitcoin and how it can be used for their model.
This is a good story, I wouldn't recommend WOS though as it is still centralized