My Alby wallet had been getting hit with these text message ads lately. I think it prompts some interesting questions about what the future of ads could be like. It flips the CPM model on its head when ads can be pushed directly to the user and they receive sats in exchange for their attention.
Yes, it is and could be more than advertising its pure un adulterated human signal. It should be presented as Opengraph as general news of the day. Like bloomberg totaly mis represented market this show the real market and could further build on it.
Using these custodial accounts is a good way to keep the spam away from your node, as a decoy. They can spam as much as they want, you receive sats. It doesn't affect you too much, but yeah in the end is spam. Later they will regret it, when they will realize that sats are scarce...
One solution to avoid spam would be to disable messages of incoming payments of 1-2 sats. Personally i dont mind the spam as long as they pay me.