Mass shootings can happen anywhere, so I think you have every right to comment on this issue as I do. Its not just a US problem. Believe it or not we're only 11th when it comes to the public mass shootings:
When you make more laws on how people can own firearms, you make owning a firearm more limited and prohibitive. That's the purpose of gun control laws.
I understand than in the US the wild wild west culture is well rooted on the popular consciousness.
Its not about "wild, wild west culture". Its about natural rights. You're a Bitcoiner. We know that we can't trust the state to even manage its own finances and currency. How could we possibly trust it to properly manage an issue like this? How can we trust it to curtail natural rights without abusing said power?
But you don't need a lot of people with mental health issues to kill 20 or more kids if you give them easy access to assault rifles and military grade weapons.
That's why you don't give them access to guns. You don't need the state to enforce that. See my other comment on this thread.
Come on dude, this article is completely misleading... its says in the title 2022, and all the data they use is from 2009 to 2015... (check their sources on the last graph and at the end of the article). off course they cherry pick the data, search for yourself, how many mass murder happened this year in Norway, UK or France? The numbers are out of proportion.
I'm a bitcoiner, I love freedom but bitcoin have rules!, society needs rules to function, US is not a dictatorship, but is not about everyone doing what they want.
In any case, I respect your opinion, thanks for sharing it with me. I think I have mine, is not going to change.
I agree that rules are absolutely necessary. However, the rules should not tread on your natural rights. I believe that any gun control does this.
Thanks for engaging in this conversation with me!
np man, any time, I understand is an uncomfortable subject...
I'm not against guns at all, I understand the reasons, and understand the right given on the US constitution.
Is just that is hard for me to see these events and I feel there is no real engagement for a solution.
I'm afraid because of the excessive measures taken by governments on the COVID pandemic, mental health of our societies got impacted and we are going to see more and more events like this spreading like wild fire.
Anyways, I don't want to be the one spreading shitties ideas.
The thread i linked above addresses your point about "cherry-picking" very directly.
to be honest with you, I prefer to use google myself, and find information by my own. you can do it yourself, go and search "mass shooting france, uk, canada autralia in 2022", and use excel and count them, and build your criteria. make sure to compare year by year by yourself, not 2015 in norway vs 2009 in us, which is how it looks this articles likes to compare., if you dont believe in google algorithm, you can use I don't believe in any prebuild articles sorry. At least that's how i build my ideas. I can be easily challenged in this way. I can change my mind any time If i see information this way that show my believes are wrong. can you change your mind?