Exactly. Many people are only DCA and bitching about buying with KYC, non-KYC but very few are really creating the bitcoin circular economies: earn, spend, hold in BTC and fuck all fiat system.
I don't think people get how screwed we would be if bitcoin failed. I say this because when the slightest bit of pressure is applied they seem to freak out. Guys, they confiscated gold in the US. We better be ready.
Imagine the explosion of non-kyc tech if kyc exchanges disappeared. It would be glorious.
Why would we need exchanges at all? Why not being paid directly in bitcoin (as I am from 2017)? why people still earn the fucking fiat? https://i.postimg.cc/sXr5MdtV/PAY-ME-BTC.jpg
A fool and his sats are soon parted
People are lazy. People have to learn the hard way. They will learn or die.