I love when someone is also so quick to express my feelings exactly before I even have time to say them. Stackers recognize the PoW -- thank you both :)
I agree @kepford I think most people like you and I would agree that best way to solve problems is not to kill one another. I'm more so speaking from a perspective of nature, it's how all living creatures have resolved dispute. Nature is violent and superior to man's law. At a certain point all our societal structures we build up fall apart when it comes time to solve "real" disputes (over stupid things still that never actually lead to peace, as you said).
Technology and LOVE (edited lol) are the only things that progress peace forward. The things that are superordinate to human law. Tech like bitcoin i think does have a medicine, not a cure, to alleviate conflict. Countless bitcoiners before me have explained why, but it follows the same principle as nature -- Bitcoin's "law" is imposed on us and our money, not the other way around. We'll have to work it out amongst ourselves to learn the new rules.
I am very happy to have found a community of bitcoiners here that truly do value intellectual thought :) And you are using it quite well!!