Voting is useless.
This article is an example of political pressure working. Without voting that political pressure would be useless.
Stop being so uselessly negative. Idiots like like you are why governments get more power.
The definition of pointless is a politician. Is it a bigger risk to security for a government to ban encryption or for that encryption to be broken? You can't ban math. You can think you can but you can't. All they are doing is making their populations into "criminals". Not gonna turn out well.
I stand by my word. Voting is useless. I still vote, but it's a waste of my time. There are more retards than smart people. People vote vote for politicians who gives them free shit. That's why the Socialist party has always won in the past 20 years of my country, by a large margin. People vote without even knowing what they are voting for. So f-off.