Bitcoiners in the US should fight.
Everyone good leaving is how you end up with failed states.
So you think if they should stay and fight the state? I think that's a waste of energy and time. The founders of the US didn't stay and in europe in the hope of winning so why would it be a good idea today?
The founders of the US had a unique opportunity to found a new nation that doesn't exist today. And when the British attacked them, they didn't flee: they stayed and fought the state.
If US Bitcoiners give up on making societal change then it will only result in the downfall of the fiat system taking everyone there down with them. US Bitcoiners should keep safehavens as an option, but focus on convincing people in the US to fight for liberty at home
The fiat system will fall no matter what Bitcoiners do, everyone in fiat is a future bitcoiner