Sounds like you're walking a careful tightrope there.
When I was at high school we somehow sensed when something was touched outside of the curriculum and appreciated our teacher's dedication to us and their work even more.
I think many teachers across the world, not just your locale, need to step lightly sometimes.
Sounds like you're doing the right thing by taking it easy.
Kudos to you for your work.
Thanks for the encouragement!
How are you inducting @Adolf_bitler into the Bitcoin world? Any tips I should take note?
I just use love.
Have you ever heard of The tale of The North Wind and the Sun by Aesop?
You showed me this fable before! Haha
Well, at least I'm consistent. ¯_ (ツ) _/¯
That’s how we achieve the Bitcoin Standard. Small things, done consistently over a period of time, yield big results!