Before I start let me Thank Dartcoin and the substack that they created after seeing the comments and the general ideology here I started to search and find all about the bitcoin ideology and specifically my searches were how to become a pure bitcoiner, how to become bitcoin maximalist, what is bitcoin ideology etc etc and thats when I found Dartcoins substack I went through all the articles will attach the substack here for people who havent still went and read those amazing pieces. but before that let me give this post a dramatic effect for the vibes but its covers my shift of thinking and what I did in the last 24 hours here it goes.
I felt like I had it all worked out with my combination of regular money and other cryptocurrencies for a very long time. Sure, Bitcoin existed, but I stayed with what I was familiar with: fiat money and other cryptocurrencies just for the profits. I had no idea that discovering a Substack of Dartcoin would cause my perspective to shift significantly.
The Substack unveiled the things I had been neglecting. It gave a clear picture of the world of Bitcoin, showing it as a route to freedom rather than simply another crypto. All at once, it became clear. Bitcoin represented a completely new way of thinking about money, not just an investment platform. It could use this one digital money to do daily chores and also attain freedom at the same time like buying items, paying bills, and even topping off my phone.
It opened my eyes. My perspective on everything changed, especially my possessions. Things that I used to value with fiat money felt unconnected to the freedom that Bitcoin offered. I made the decision to alter it. I converted all the shitcoins I had into Bitcoin by selling them. I had the impression that I was investing in a philosophy rather than simply money.
I got a Bitcoin wallet will share the link from where I learned what wallet was best for me so I could really dig into this new world. This wallet isnt just any wallet—it is a representation of my dedication to my recently achieved freedom. I moved my Bitcoin into it, enjoying the sense of autonomy it provided.
I'm living a new life now. Bitcoin is a way of thinking, not merely a virtual money. It represents regaining independence over centralised authority. My path involved more than simply learning about Bitcoin; it involved turning my life around to take advantage of its freedoms.
I'm learning more about Bitcoin and its capabilities every day. Every transaction and every use I will make of it will strengthen my faith in its possibilities. It's more than simply an additional payment method; it's a means of financial independence and an instrument for empowerment.
The link to the substack.
The link to where you can go and see what wallet is good for you.
Go through the entire substack every piece is eye opening. I will delete my shitcoiner posts now which I did earlier cuz i am a changed person now.