Unfortunately, this is true and crypto is still in the hype phase. Even though it appears to you that everyone knows about crypto because of the circles you associate in, however, crypto is still very new to most of the population (I posted just the other day that someone asked me about bitcoin and what it is). innovation and adoption are lacking and low and it doesn't help that regulation forces are constantly battling it.
It just doesn't make sense to me why these companies would choose to make money off of the coin
Most of these companies do not, they make money from investors and the investors then use trading techniques, vesting and other things to make their money back. Some investors outright just don't care if they lose money as they can call it a loss and also just have their name associated with portfolio pieces.
Otherwise, it's nothing more than some weird digital swap meet that will only financially benefit a fraction of the people playing the game.
I think this is a little narrow-minded (no offence intended) - However, a tokenised future is definitely on the horizon - maybe not my life time but it has to start somewhere.
A long time ago I was told: "You don't know what you don't know and never assume someone knows what you know and never assume to know what they know" - always sticks with me.