You require an SSL certificate on your domain and need to follow these steps:
  1. Go to, copy the response data, and place it as a text file named "username" without extension.
  2. Create the following folder on your public domain data /.well-known/lnurlp
  3. Upload the text file to the created folder.
  4. Check your lightning address with a wallet that supports LNurl payments.
That's all
This is a pretty cool hack for someone whose skills are limited to hosting a static site!
Doesn't this mean that anyone can basically override any parameters you set in SN?
For example changing minSendable.
Or are there other checks in the SN server itself?
Or are there other checks in the SN server itself?
Yes, there are. So you can change it but I wouldn't recommend it since SN will still enforce the original minSendable. You'll just make payments unreliable.
This hack may not work with all LN wallets because the first request is done to and that in turn points to Works with many, but I have seen Alby wallet not proceeding when these two domains do not match. Have not tested it recently so maybe it was removed as no LNURL standard requires such behavior. Correct? @fiatjaf @bumi
It works with Alby. I have a lightning address on my domain using an LNurl on LNbits, and it works well.
I discovered on a google search just now for exactly this! Thank you!
This is awesome, SN can be used in so many ways!
I always assumed the callback had to match the host serving the file, but I guess it doesn't have to be like that.
Beautiful! ⚡
Thanks for this, I hadn't thought of that!⚡⚡
Thanks for share. can we change the minSendable ?