Nope because the gun issue in America is solely an American culture issue. They can buy guns and ammo at Walmart and most them find it confusing that you cannot in other countries.
Culture issue. Hell, it’s in their constitution to arm up.
There’s a joke that Afghani’s are born with an AK47 which nowadays can be easily comparable to Americans being born with an AR15.
We're 11th in mass public shootings. It becomes a talking point when the state and media determine it to be useful tool for playing politics. If they actually cared, they'd tackle the root of the problem rather than pushing the same useless "solution" over and over.
You're right that this is a cultural issue. However, "gun culture" isn't the problem. The problem is the other aspects of our culture that leads to growing the state, political extremism, and dismantling community and families.
Never said it was gun culture. I said that it IS American culture.
There’s been three mass shootings in Murica in one month. But yeah…Norway.
here's another analysis of the claim that it's a US problem... tl-dr; it's not.
Here’s a legit source Find me numbers elsewhere like this small stat
URL is "school-shootings-so-far"
The first statistic raised in the article is Mass Shootings So Far.
bitesized, but sus.
No it clearly says “27 school shootings so far” for this year through the article with over 200 mass shootings for the year.
You gun shillers are worse than btc maximalists.
That’s solely an American culture issue. Have fun changing culture. Nothing will change there.
Never said it was gun culture. I said that it IS American culture.
You gun shillers are worse than btc maximalists.
lemme know when you're ready to dump your btc bags... happy to pay FMV
Hold your breath while you wait :)
Amazing how you think I’d sell from saying someone is a btc maximalist. You fit the bill.