100% agree with you, man.
"Shrinkflation" is very real and is even more subtle and covert that price increases.
Yeah, shrinkflation kind of describes the reduction in quality.
Although shrinkflation also doubles the packaging with a doubling of price every few decades after they have shrunk it year after year after year. My gripe with reducedqualityflation is that it is completely permanent! The gardening buckets from stainless steel instead of plastic are not coming back, the hair ornaments made from irish horn too - not buyable anymore. Like at all completely - The shrunken Oreo packages can be replace by buying 2 of them - reduced quality is not so easy to fix.
Well said. I think there will be a rebirth of quality artisan products as bitcoin grows in popularity because most bitcoiners aren't going to part with their sats for cheap high-time preference crap.
Maybe bitcoiners needs to shop more on Etsy and less at local retailers until they stop buying cheap shit from China.
The only way I will be spending my sats on things is if I feel that the quality of the product is going to last well into the future.
Quality craftsman still exist. We need to find them and support them in any way we can.