this is basic, find a book you both own,, same copy find the 12 or 24 word you need give the page numkber and word number dont mention the book in that specific call, this must be set on another call, win
There are 129,864,880 books. That's ~ 2^27. There are 2^256 seed phrases. What you're proposing reduces entropy by a factor of 2^229, at least in theory, which is like reducing a seed phrase with 24 word seed phrase to one with 2.45 significant words (I.e. not counting the checksum). I'm not counting editions, but if the average book has 8 editions, that's only 3 bits more, so 2.72 words.
In practice, an attacker would need a digital library of all editions of all books. But your book is likely to come from a smaller set, e.g. it's likely in English and less than 100 years old.
just broke my brain trying to think such numbers :)
This technique is called a one time pad and is similar to seedXOR.
its called book chipher and its used for centuries now.
Really clever, thanks!