So I personally have been working with some organizations in my country to raise funds for the people who have lost home and loved ones and have no food in palestine. During that I tried to raise crypto funds as well in my area and the general response of people was Hammas is using crypto to start war are you sending this to them now I was actually unaware but if you google crypto and palestine you will only see articles of war and how crypto is bad and only being used to sponsor terrorist be it is in Palestine or in Russia, my question how will this image change or what can be done on a indivdiual level to change this perception? I did ask for crypto donations on purpose after that to do 2 goods tell people about it and also get donations for the effected.
This post is not political not taking sides of either countries and not labeling Hammas as a terrorist organisation or anything its just a simple question of how this image of Bitcoin will change because the average person when hears cryptocurrency they have Bitcoin in their head.
Ignore crypto. Focus on bitcoin.