i believe it was originally supposed to be for site discussion, feature requests, and stuff like that. recently @k00b has been promising more subs are coming, so in the meantime people will post "meta takeover" stuff if the sub doesn't exist. i think @grayruby started it for the sports discussion and nfl survivor pool, but there's a few of them now
Awesome! Looking forward to keeping an eye on new developments!
Curious if these plans for sub-expansion will eventually call for moderators?
I modded a few subs back on Reddit, but the problem always was that there was no incentive to really do a good job, since all you got for the hard work was "karma".
Perhaps ⚡️ will fix this by incentivizing mods via sats? Or is the idea of "mods" shunned here in favor of ⚡️-voting being enough of a moderator in itself? @k00b