Large funds have teams of analysts with full-time jobs dedicated to timing the market. If a large fund has a -15% quarter, they lose additional assets as clients move to another fund that is more conservative.
A pleb has no time to focus on timing the market correctly. When they try to time it, they usually end up with fewer sats. Pleb has full-time job doing real work. If a pleb has a -80% quarter he is still only responsible for his own capital. A pleb can survive -80% while a fund cannot.
Seems like you have spent the time to find a trading strategy you think will be profitable. Good luck, but don't expect everyone to put in the same effort as you have. For most, they're better off putting that effort into their craft than larping as a wall street trader with their retirement funds.
Plebs should not act like hedge funds for the same reason hedge funds don't act like plebs.