I strongly suspect we will see a fake top around ~$120K that will lead to people thinking they are smart by selling all of their Bitcoin to buy back 2x their stack at $60K, only to watch the price move to $360K, which makes them FOMO buy back 1/3 of what they had instead of 2x—because it’s clearly going to $1M next and they think they will maximize fiat returns. This is how Bitcoin gets distributed rather than consolidated.
If you have to spend some bitcoin to pay for dreams (buying a business, buying a house), that’s one thing, and timing it can be an art, but trying to outsmart the market usually ends in getting manipulated out of position by the bigger funds that can control the price against you.
All that said, DCA in and DCA out (over a certain excess return APY) is also my strategy for over-allocating in.
It’s the people who try to time the market by going all in and all out that get super rekt.
I'm suspecting smth like this as well. Selling of weak hands just before 100k, for the price to then snap back up above 100k after a short consolidation.