I can understand the excitement of Bitcoin clicking and wanting to be a part of it and contribute, I totally get wanting to apply your skills to something you believe in, I felt it with Bitcoin too, just like I did when startups were where it was at, the excitement is infectious and it's great to be around those who also believe in the mission and getting to express your ideas and vision for the future
My take is that being early can be the same as being wrong, yes Bitcoin is a decade old but I still think it's very early, and sure that means greater potential upside for those who buy it or work in/with the companies that ride the wave and capture product market fit in this new economy, but we still don't know which ones will win.
What will be the stand-out software? Layer 2 ecosystems? businesses? physical hardware that will be the dominant players? None of us know, so you are taking a gamble it might pay off it might not and I guess our parents prefer the idea of something being "stable" being "predictable" and Bitcoin doesn't give them that vibe even though it is once you get it
I think there is still a lot of opportunity in fiat markets to monetise your time and skill while the Bitcoin market matures and I don't see why you can't play both sides, if we believe in the bitcoin thesis it will marginalise anything we do in fiat over time so is there a need to rush it?