Not sure about still using signal after the Tucker debacle....
Tucker claims he was texting russ.ian contact setting up interview with P u t in - and afterwards contact from intel agency read back his text to him over the phone.
Quite likely that the "Russian contact" was an FBI agent. Nothing to do with Signal's security.
Its very annoying when media figures say crap Luke this with no follow up. It goes both ways. If there is an issue let's expose it so it can be fixed. I still wonder if Tucker is an asset sometimes. Don't trust him.
First off don't trust someone like Tucker on technology things. Second it is very likely the issue was human security failure. It almost always is. We are the weakest point of failure.
Also very possible the message was SMS and not over signal. They used to have this feature. If it were an actual weakness in Signal he should contact the devs and report it so they can resolve it.
I don't trust Tucker either. We should not be basing our opinions on media figures period. Even if you agree with them. Trust the math or don't use Signal.