“Bitcoiner Network State”
Well, the protocol is what rules us bitcoiners. If we don't play by those rules, we are kindly shown the door by not having our transactions validated or our work not be rewarded at some point. Then you have the software built around the protocol which for the most part are just agnostic tools that can be used to harness the value of the protocol or just create shtitcoin clones. I think the further you get away from the protocol, things start to get political; aka meatspace. But all participants in that meatspace are incentivized to abide by the protocol, and any other non-financial matter just gets in the way of that purpose. So in a way, don't we already have that "state" in communities like this?
I think real estate is a key piece in Balaji’s thesis, and a key ingredient in being recognized as a “state”.
It’s also probably the hardest piece for Bitcoiners to solve, because the Bitcoin protocol doesn’t recognize real estate.