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"Money doesn't change men, it merely unmasks them. If a man is naturally selfish or arrogant or greedy, the money brings that out, that's all" -- Henry Ford
The lesson here is that (some) people are jerks. Bitcoin is money.
In my younger days I was involved in a few startups. Not in the Bitcoin space, but I learned some of these lessons all the same. You will meet many people in your life and some of them will take advantage of you. It takes a while to figure this out.
Now that I'm a bit older, I have a better sense of what to look out for. But it took getting burned a few times to learn these lessons. I can honestly say if I had Bitcoin back then I probably would've lost it the same way you did.
I feel sad you lost your 2 BTC. The only thing to do now is move forward. Keep providing value to the world and you'll slowly grow your stack again. But it's not worth getting between you and your dad.
Thanks for your response and advice - it's comforting to know these experiences are fairly common themes of life.
The only thing to do now is move forward.
That's the truth!