A lot of people got screwed over by Kyle's actions and quite frankly any startup in any industry could have their fair share of this. I'm sorry this happened, you're a very whole hearted compassionate dude and it's a great thing you have a loving family.
It's been rough for a lot of people and hiring is almost non existent. We all know it's not bitcoin's fault, but take a break from what has hurt you, it's not doing you any favors right now. Take advice from someone trying to help you out of a bad situation. He had faith and trusted your judgement before but the risk didn't pay off. There's not a lot of reason to double down and expect the same people to trust you again for similar situations. Acknowledge their pain too.
Keep it a side passion if you can, but taking a step back would probably do you a lot of good. It's going to take time to heal and thinking about it isn't going to help.
Thank you for the kind words of wisdom, Tony Giorgio. It means a lot