Sure. I'm not gonna argue about semantics, but 99% all of bitcoin being under the thumb of a few developers, well it's not ideal. But then again, what are they gonna do, sneak in a protocol change that benefited them but was almost undetectable? Well I guess maybe. Honestly I don't know enough about bitcoin core to fairly discuss the topic.
Just pointing out that this website is not full to the brim with people who'll tell you this side of the story. (meaning anything negative about bitcoin)
I want to know and discuss everything about Bitcoin, both the good and the bad. It's true that there are few maintainers, and that can be a problem, but if you think about it, only those who want to update Bitcoin Core do so. If miners are suspicious or certain that something is wrong with the update, they simply don't update. There is always the possibility of a hard fork.
For sure! Bitcoin is the strongest bet we have right now, I'm all for crypto. I favor Monero over bitcoin, but Monero has many of same problems (and others) that bitcoin has.
One way or another, the central banks and the fiat theft will fall.