1. realizing not voting is what they want you to do, and becoming resolute in making it harder for them.
Also I can almost guarantee none of the larps too cool to vote have moved to China etc.
lol, I see where you are coming from now. You think we are centrists.... lol. Nope. Not even close.
Since you mention China. The Chinese know they aren't free. American's think they are free because they can vote for two options. You will never vote your way to freedom.
No one said voting was wholistic. It's the minimum.
So when are you moving to China?
What "they" want is power. What they want is a populace that needs them. If you really want to hurt "them" become ungovernable. Live in such a way that they no longer matter. Become sovereign and free. Build real community. Provide for yourself. Live abundantly. Honestly, as bad as the state is, it has very little impact on my day to day life and that is largely by choice.
That's a childish notion, there's always a force greater than your community. That's how this shit came to be.
Voting isn't their game, it's ours. Yes they cheat, so we have to be fierce about it.
Get back to me when you have your own Ohio class submarine and then I'll take you seriously.