The photo needs to be from a hosted site. You can use Then, follow the directions on the markdown github page. You can find it on the upper right edge of the post box. Look for the small box with the M and down arrow.
Thank you. Does this mean I should also have a github account?
You don't need one to post photos here. Just follow the directions. In fact, here: This is all you need. You give your photo a name and type it in the square brackets, then copy the URL within the ( ) brackets. That being said, you should get a git hub account. I am not a coder, but I use it to download apk apps for my phone, wallets, etc. You can also use it to login to Stacker News
Thank you. Think I will wait for SN. I will try it though. I'm using a mobile device at the moment. And @k00b what are shipped this week?
Let it be a surprise
Thank you for the surprise. Works like a charm and effortless.