Mod from r/bitcoin here.
so I'm surprised you can post in other subreddits, since your reddit account doesn't seem to exist publicly.
Pretty sure this is a issue, not a r/bitcoin issue...
edit: for some reason you were in the ban list...I unbanned you...I have no idea why you were banned by r/bitcoin mods...and I am one.
contact the mod team here and make some hey...i'll be digging more into this
Many thanks @BITC0IN! Perhaps this is some kind of backend bug on Reddit. I'll try to contact the admins about the weird limbo state my account seems to be in. I suspect this might be automatic, and related to TOR use.
In the meantime I really do appreciate the unbanning. I've lurked on r/bitcoin a long time. You and the other mods put in a lot of work to keep things civil. You have my gratitude (and sats) for your time and attention =)
update from another mod explaining the situation:
Their ban was an automated response to their Reddit account being shadowbanned. Every account that posts to r/Bitcoin is automatically checked to see if they are shadowbanned. Shadowbanned accounts are automatically banned from r/Bitcoin after posting in r/Bitcoin. Their Reddit account is shadowbanned. So they were automatically banned from this sub after they posted in it. They will be automatically banned from this sub again if they post in it again because their Reddit account is still shadowbanned.
so it looks like the subreddit auto bans anyone who is banned/shadow banned by reddit itself. Unfortunately, if you post again in the subreddit with that account, the automod will ban you again, unless reddit has lifted your shadow ban/ban.
Huh. That's interesting, i had heard of shadow bans before but never knew what they were exactly. I just found this guide. The number of things that lead to shadow bans is surprising.
  • Don't post links to your own blog, unless you post a lot of content from other places.
  • Don't use a VPN to create your account
I think maybe these might be the cause of the shadow ban for me. Thanks for the info here, very enlightening.
Interesting insight
deleted by author
I have no idea why you were banned by r/bitcoin mods...and I am one.
This is the fucking reddit... a garbage moderated by idiots.