No doubt soft default. It will be interesting to see if they go the traditional zirp and qe route, or get creative and recapitalize the banks through the FDIC. That might allow them to kick the can down the road a little further and keep rates higher for a while. The recapitalized banks would of course be required to buy treasuries, the "pristine collateral".
Whatever they decide to do it will be the same old money printing but have a cool new esoteric wrapper so they can claim it is totally not QE.
You gotta hand it to them. They come up with creative names: Money Creation Debt Monetization Security Printing And of course, everyone's favorite: Quantitative Easing
Open Market Operations. Who doesn't love a little OMO with their coffee in the morning.
Good one. Now I'm doing a search for these meaningless names. I think they came up with a new one during the covid crash. I can't remember what they called it.
In China they have a whole group named the Plunge Protection Team. I love that. They buy stocks. At least they admit it's not a free market. Edit: It turns out the U.S. has one too, but it's only rumored to actually intervene in markets here.
Do you think we're heading right back to ZIRP with the new war de jour? I had been expecting rates to stay elevated because of inflation concerns, but then war were declared.
I'm thinking a ZIRP move would scare the hell out of the markets. They will try to avoid it. Here's the scenario I see. Treasury issues lots of debt to pay for wars. Bond yields keep rising. All banks including TBTF are weakened by the plummeting bond values. Everyone is shocked because yields keep rising in the face of higher for longer interest rates. Reality is lower demand for U.S. debt. To help the banks, there will be an FDIC recapitalization while at the same time maintaining higher for longer interest rates. This will prevent spiraling inflation for a while, though it will still be way above the target rate. At least they think it will forestall hyperinflation. Who knows what will actually happen? The end is near.