Ok, this could be converted later in something nice by Stacker.news, maybe a separate section. Let's start here a "beauty contest" of our BTC/LN nodes. BTW, can we have option to attach images? Even if are limited size. Post a picture of your REAL node, adding also software used, HW details for a better evaluation. Let's see how this works with voting with your sats Here is mine (one of them) https://telegra.ph/file/6b5c5e6b391a313cf7c63.png HW: Gigabyte NUC Brix, i3 CPU, 8GB RAM, 1TB HDD Software: Debian 10 OS + Umbrel node
The node I'm using to teach my kids with. They are finally old enough. Wanted something dedicated with a screen they could use. Long story, I think it'll finish in ~2 weeks (not 17 per the photo).
Total cost: $0 (100% of the parts were just collecting dust in my basement, now recycled)
HW: External 2TB USB 2.0, Zotac w/ 1.1 GHz Intel Celeron N3450, 18" Dell LCD monitor @ 1280 x 1024 w/ 3.85 Gb of sweet sweet useable RAM.
SW: Windows 10 Home and a borked unetbootin bootloader from me trying to purge MSFT and install Lubuntu 18...no dice. No user friendly distros played nice with the SATA controller.
Teaching kids - this is the way. Next step: install a Debian on that same machine, with GUI, nice user friendly, they will learn to use Linux. Fire up a Umbrel node, super easy. Here you have a guide https://community.getumbrel.com/t/getting-started-with-your-umbrel/3555/2
really like the green approach!
The node is on the right running on a standard Raspberry Pi 4 with 8GB. The case is an Argon One M2. It has excellent passive cooling and a fan if you really need to push it. There is a slot for the 2 TB SSD. It also has GPIO access so I attached an old speaker to beep on each new block with a little python. Oh and the little model cars change color depending on the temperature so that hopefully I would notice if the thing turned off ;)
GeekAward really like the audio, clock and the GPIO car temp mod. thinking about led indication of routings and transactions (pay2blink) ;)
Thanks. FYI you can fit the small wires of an old led through the analog socket. Not that I recommend it but it works:
two pi's in a triton case courtesy of the fellas at cryptocloaks one running umbrel and the other running mynode. both running through tor,
Our node is running on a VM in this beauty and is sharing a Xeon E-2236 Six Core 3.30 GHz and 32 GB DDR4 RAM with 3 other VM. The node has its own 1TB SSD. Linux 5.4.0, Bitcoin Core v0.21.1, LND 0.13.1-beta, rebalance-lnd I noticed a strange routing fee pattern recently:
A blue van driver showed me a similar pattern yesterday when I (unintentionally) cut him off
my my what a beast
Oh... you are a beast runner. hats off gentlemen.