So far, the plan forming in my mind is: start w/ Uruguay, and if hyperbitcoinization happens, maybe can afford Lugano ;)
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They don’t seem to care about that in Uruguay so much.
Personally speaking, people are very much left to themselves. You can live a very humble & introverted life here. Uruguayans are just shocked to see people want to come to their country other than for work reasons. Very rarely do I get questioned on anything else besides “why on earth did you want to come here?” 😂
In terms of authorities, they have rolled out a “digital ID” here for all public services, but they’re so inept and their systems don’t talk to each other that I’ve had to show my identity in physical offices 3 times to advance through the different systems, e.g. health, gov website and business registration 😅 They’re really not very well advanced on these things, at least not yet.
As long as you pay some taxes, you’ll be left alone, is what I’ve heard. To appear on their lists. There are processes to follow and steps to go through, but once setup I hear most people are just left alone.
Software businesses can effectively pay 0% tax via legal exemptions that exist. Just need to pay for pension and medical insurance, about $200 pm, as owner of said business.
I have friends that just built a place on the ocean in Nicaragua. They have been to all Central American countries, and spent significant time in all of them with their overland truck. I don't specifically know why they settled on Nicaragua... It may just be they found a nice place to build. They are not bitcoiners, and have spent reasonable time trying to convince me I'm wrong. LoL. 😂 Crazy enough he own owned Bitcoin for a month at the end of 2017 when it ripped from $10k-20k. I don't know how much he was in for though. Not a lot. Hasn't touched it since.