Marty Bent = poster child for audience capture. It's sad, his was one of the first btc-related media I read every day. Now you know everything that will ever come out of his mouth.
Interesting, you are the first bitcoiner that I’ve heard be critical towards Bent. I’m curious- do you think he is not authentic?
Oh no, there is no question in my mind that he's authentic. The question is: authentically what?
He went from "hey maybe this btc thing is important, maybe I should learn about it" to swallowing the hook on every possible conspiracy or tinfoil hat thing he ever brushes against. He recognizes that existing systems produce some bad effects, and instead of digging into the complexity of the world, he sort of relaxes into his circlejerking like it's a warm bath. You probably have hyper-liberal and hyper-conservative friends who do the same thing. It's a familiar archetype.
He seems like he's got a good heart. That's half the problem.
That’s a good perspective @elvismercury, and also a good check for me when ingesting his podcasts 🤜🤛
Did you post this article recently, or did I read it somewhere else? Good link.
I post it every time I realistically can ;)