Linked to the agency world, and being both a positive and negative, sometimes when paying for a service you’ll find you as the buyer need to chase to get things done. The culture is very different here, to the detriment of speediness. It’s almost like businesses are not motivated by money and believe you are lucky to being served at all, even when paying hefty fees. I guess that’s the “tranqui” way.
This was my experience when I lived in BsAs and it drove me mad, though I think it was partly the vibe and partly corruption and partly just the collapse of everything (this was in 2004, after the recent bout of currency collapse; there have been many since, as we all know.)
What's internet like, where you are? That was another infuriating thing, but then, it was twenty years ago. I assume it's better now.
[Edit] Also: have you ever written about your experiences on SN in a comprehensive way? That would be dynamite. I perused some of your posts, and didn't notice one such, though I didn't read closely. This was a helpful article on Uruguay that you posted, but it would be cool to hear your own story.
Internet is bang on, really great fibre and cell coverage (given the whole country is flat). Cheap too. Also Starlink recently came online here, which was the motivation to dig deeper into their service in a recent SN article of mine.
Thanks for the suggestion. I guess I’ll type something up and cross-post to Nostr next week. We’ll see if people ‘dig it’. Hopefully it’ll inspire others to do the same for their preferred Plan B destinations.
Don’t be surprised if i regurgitate a lot of the above though 😅
That Starlink article was one of the best to ever appear here, at least since I've been here. Nice one. I look forward to your Our Man in Havana report ;)
Appreciate the pat on the back. Thanks.
Does Elvis have Nostr btw?
I don't -- SN is the only place I exist and say anything. I have a read-only Twitter account for reading research stuff. Otherwise, I'm trying to make this home, like you and Uruguay, maybe. Heh.
S’all good. Will keep an eye out for your posts too 👊 Great to chat.