Sure it's not meaning this... 😛
"I Drink Your Milkshake is a phrase spoken by Daniel Plainview to Eli Sunday at the end of There Will Be Blood, directed by Paul Thomas Anderson. In the film, the phrase was intentionally used as a metaphor: sucking milkshake from someone else to demonstrate not only oil drainage from prized land but the harsh nature of how cruelty often trumps meekness"
In the movie he speak about drilling underneath someone else's land to steal the oil literally out from under them even though it's not his land. The movie is 2h 38m long and the scene is right at the very end. It's hilarious lol
I really liked that movie. I never heard that analogy for oil before. I heard a similar concept in law school for riparian rights cases, where wells are drilled to drain water from contiguous property owners.