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I understand and respect your position and the fact that you are trying to fight back against the system. Only that your "method weapons" are not the right ones.
My counter arguments to this video is this one:
  1. Guys Fawkes was a FLASE FLAG! The history is NOT how is presented in movies.
Remember remember, the 5th of november was actually a plot against freedom and against people, not the hero actions you are looking for....
That mask is a false idea of a "hero"... please stop using it.
I am baffled that bitcoiners embrace this character and mask as it would be something good, fightning for freedom, when in fact is exactly the opposite.
Be aware not to fall into this trap. "The masters" are trying to control the narrative, to create false heroes.
Celebrating 5th of Nov as it would be the day "against the gov", just make me laugh. Is exactly the opposite, is celebrating how a gov secret service, infiltrated into people groups, is plotting exactly against their freedom... (what is actually doing today (NSA/CIA/FBI etc)
Here is explained in details, what really happened. https://wearechange.org/guy-fawkes-gun-powder-plot-false-flags-shaped-history/
Beware of how they create the false flags. Guy Fawkes was a false hero, was a false flag situation.
if you praise Guy Fawkes you are literally praising the lies behind that plot. You are not praising the truth. Those wearing Guy Fawkes masks are exactly like those poor young guys wearing a Che Guevara t-shirt and they have no idea what is the real communism. Just laughable.
Also many people ignore that fact that the events organized by Guy Fawkes were the precedent that follow in 1666.
The nigh of London fire...
Study more the history of those times, about Cestui Que Vie Act 1666 that literally created suddenly the slavery of all people, converting them in dead corporations (vessels).
We all want heroes to follow, but heroes are only in kids story books and hollywood movies. The only hero is You, the sovereign individual that is OUT of the system.
5th of November is not a reason to celebrate or revolt, is a sad day for all humanity, the day when was plotted against freedom, full of lies and false flags.
The masters want you to behave like that so they can control the narrative with false heroes.
  1. About begging to politicians, I am strongly suggest to watch this short video about the myth of authority. Stop behaving like a grounded kid, begging to be forgiven, act as an adult and REBUT any authority over you, the living man.
talk about missing the point.
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