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I would recommend anyone looks into the plot. ‘Guy Fawkes Night’ actually celebrates the victory of then state Protestantism against his proposed Catholic revolution. It has been traditionally considered a celebration of thanksgiving. Whilst I think false flag isn’t perhaps the right term I do believe it’s an example of social amnesia.
I still stand by him being the only honest man to enter a parliament which, only 50 years later, was torn apart by Oliver Cromwell.
That night was the precursor of what happened in 1666, nigh of London fire... Study more the history of those times, about Cestui Que Vie Act 1666 that literally created suddenly the slavery of all people, converting them in dead corporations. https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/true_and_complete_break_down_of
It just added to that which was started in 1600 with the formation of the first privateers. The legacy of colonialism that exists to this day and, once used against the enslaved are now used against the nations citizens.
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When asked by a local priest if I had considered coming to his church; pointed out ‘i have significant issues with the concept of transubstantiation and an organisation which is responsible for significant crimes throughout history. Including more recently the cover up of exploitation and widespread child abuse..’ That ruined the mood at the drinks party anyway.
Please be aware: when you say "citizens" means literally slaves. Shitizen is the employee of the state. Shitizen doesn't have rights, only privileges.
Have in mind this and where are You positioned.
There is a danger in semantics and we can become bogged down without heeding the warning. We mustn’t become distracted from the conflict.
ah shit, now I realized that I replied to a wrong comment LOL Sorry I was on mobile for a bit and my reply went to the wrong place.
No worries. I followed the argument.. not neccesatily the thread lol
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