Yeah, almost for sure. I asked ChatGPT to respond to the original post, and it came up with something really similar.
And then I asked it to respond, but in language an 8 year old would use. Check it out:
Sure, it sounds like you're talking about using special internet money called Bitcoin! You want to give this money to support cool groups and services, but some of them don't accept Bitcoin yet. That's frustrating, but you're doing a great job by telling them you want to pay with your magic internet money. It's like telling your friends, "Let's play with my favorite toy!"
You're super smart for finding places that do accept Bitcoin, like Mullvad, and choosing them for your needs. You're showing these places that lots of people want to use Bitcoin, and that's awesome! Keep using your magic internet money and encouraging others to do the same. Who knows, maybe more and more places will start accepting Bitcoin because of you and your friends!